Ethical decisions are based on an individual’s beliefs, morals, and values.

Conflicts of Interest and Ethical Issues

Subject: Integrated Perspective on Business GBA 398
Format: APA
Number of sources: 1
Number of pages: 1
Spacing: double spaced
Topic: Conflicts of Interest and Ethical Issues
Details: Ethical decisions are based on an individual’s beliefs, morals, and values. Frequently, there are many different points of view. A good decision-maker will consider all points of view. In this activity, you will voice your opinion, listen to the opinions of others, and respectfully debate the issue.

Remember the “thinking questions” provided to you after the self-driving cars scenario? Remember also that there is no wrong answer? Let’s see if our opinions differ on the right thing to do.

Let’s debate. Based on the following question, explain your decision and why you made it. You may then respectfully disagree with those who have made a different decision.

1. Would you purchase the car that was programmed to prioritize your safety above all else?

Good decision-makers should consider their own values and ethics when making business decisions, but they should also consider opposing viewpoints. In this activity, you should have made a decision about your purchase, supported it with sound reasoning, and listened respectfully to the opinions of others who may not agree with you. That’s the basis for integrating the Saint Leo University core value of excellence into your decision-making.


Answer Preview……………..

The scenario given is one where an individual is supposed to decide whether to purchase a car that has been produced and programmed to prioritize the safety of the motorist above the safety of everyone else. I think I would purchase such a motor vehicle. Purchasing such a vehicle is common sense to me since my safety comes first when it comes to using the road. Decisions are also considered to be ethical when they are based on personal beliefs (Guy, 2011). The……………………

APA 321 words.

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