#5 questions

#5 questions

The questions is upload PDF, Please answer these questions by utilizing the given resources ,and any other reputable sources of information. Submit only your answers (without the text of the questions) in a document (DOC or PDF format only) in the Turnitin submission link below. will grade on completeness, so be sure to answer every question for full credit. Remember, all work that you turn in must be in your own words – you will NOT earn credit for copying and pasting text from websites or from the work of other students.

-use your own word please and DO NOT COPY ANYTHING ON LINE! I will be turn in this home work in turn it in! Please Use easy grammar and use your own word to answer all these questions.

-use easy grammar and easy to understand! Please also use complete sentences

copy paste and answer the questions in few sentences. at most 60 words per answer

Answer Preview…………….

1. Explain how Carl Hart’s background influenced his decision to study drug addiction.1. Explain how Carl Hart’s background influenced his decision to study drug addiction.Hart was brought up in an impoverished neighborhood in Miami by a single mother. He would engage in petty crimes, sell and abuse drugs to get money. It was in this neighborhood that Hart believed that poverty and crime were the reasons behind drug addiction before doing his research and finding out that it was all wrong. Instead, drug abuse was utterly independent of………………..

APA 565 words

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