A Measured Animal Pets Significance on Human Mental Health

A Measured Animal Pets Significance on Human Mental Health

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Over the years people have increasingly overgrown multiple ideological barriers to adopt the culture of keeping different pets in their homes. To this end, at least 57.9% of Americans have a pet of one kind or another in their houses (Tielsch, 65). In the course of this period, multiple research has been developed assessing the impact of these pets on the health of the general public including younglings, the aged, mental patients and the handicapped. The most notable impact of animals on mental health is the idea that domesticated animals are considered companions who can not only be helpful as friends but also improve people’s health (Norris). Such a close relationship between humans and dogs means that offering helpful activities.Over the years people have increasingly overgrown multiple ideological barriers to adopt the culture of keeping different pets in their homes. To this end, at least 57.9% of Americans have a pet of one kind or another in their houses (Tielsch, 65). In the course of this period, multiple research has been developed assessing the impact of these pets on the health of the general public including younglings, the aged, mental patients and the handicapped. The most notable impact of animals on mental health is the idea that domesticated animals are considered companions who can not only be helpful as friends but also improve people’s health (Norris). Such a close relationship between humans and dogs means that offering helpful activities…………………………………….

APA 922 words

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