According to the scientific community, what steps should be taken to assure ethical practices in social sciences research?

According to the scientific community, what steps should be taken to assure ethical practices in social sciences research?

  1. Complete all required readings prior to working on this assignment.
  2. Review theStanford Prison Experiment video (Links to an external site.).
  3. Refer to and use guidelines outlined in Chapter 3 of course textbook.
  4. Answer the following questions:
    a. According to the scientific community, what steps should be taken to assure ethical practices in social sciences research?
    b. Why is the Stanford Prison Experiment considered highly unethical according to research practices today? What harm was done to participants? What could have been done to prevent this situation?
    c. Then, in 3-4 paragraphs, describe another research model that you believe is unethical and show why it is unethical from the guidelines outlined in course textbook readings for this module.
  5. By Wednesday, post your response.
  6. Read your classmates’ postings.
  7. By Saturday, review the postings made by your classmates. Reply to at least one of your classmates’ postings, making sure to follow the Discussion Guidelines. In your reply, you are to do one of the following:
    1. Pose a clarifying question (e.g., What did you mean by…, Why did you say…, What criteria did you use…, What was your intention…, What is the connection…, What were your assumptions…?).
    2. Provide an additional insight, an “ah-hah moment”, or a respectful refutation.
    3. Provide an application (e.g., I have seen an example of this…., The result of this could be…).
    4. Draw connections or conclusions based on all of the responses you read.
  8. By Sunday, answer the questions/comments posted to your original posting.

Requirements: one

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