Analyse Resource Requirement & Develop Resource Plans/Bids

Analyse Resource Requirement & Develop Resource Plans/Bids

Assessment Instructions


This assessment is based on a case study which enables you to work individually and in groups to demonstrate key skills of managing business resources in collaboration with others. A full copy if this case study has can be downloaded from Canavas.

The assessment has two main parts:

Part A –Analyse Resource Requirement & Develop Resource Plans/Bids

Part B – Allocate resources and review and report on resource usage

Requirements: 2000   |   .doc file

Subject: Masters Business



hey here is all material –  see folder –…



here is the login detail , u can login to check the material

course name :Strategic Planning (2205)



buddy we need to finish part A (B) and the whole part b

my group mates will finish the appendix 1 (a), 1(b),1(c)\

and u can find the finished appendix as the pictures show


and we should do finish the partB now, cause the appendix 1 b,c are not done now


here is the finished modifications of part A(a) –  see last 3 word files


so we can start the partB and part A(b)


can u send me the finish the partA(b) firstly, cause I need it to attend the group meeting

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Analyse Resource Requirement & Develop Resource Plans/Bidsapa 862 words

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