Analysis of the critical theory

Please answer the following questions. There are multiple questions for each. Please answer them all. This is a question answer format. References should be cited throughout and listed in APA format at the end. Thank you.

1. Consider total quality management and business process management from the perspective of critical theory. What would ideology critics see as their inherent strengths, limitations, and potential for individual and social transformation? (Please use attachment #1 as a reference for this question)

2. Draw on Habermas’ Knowledge and Human Interests and Apel’s Types of Social Science in Light of Human Cognitive Interests in your response. (Please use attachment #1 as a reference for this question)

3. Do you see a connection between this aspect, which is so central in the work of Habermas, and total quality management? (Please use attachment #1 as a reference for this question)

4. Is total quality management ultimately emancipatory and capable of re-establishing work as a form of self-actualization for the worker? (Please use attachment #1 as a reference for this question)

5. In layman’s terms, what does the first paragraph in Wellmer (2003) say about the role of science and the humanities as they are practiced today? What does it recommend? Why and based on what logical grounds and assumptions? (Please use attachment #2 as a reference for this question)

3 sources

format: list question and answer




preview of the answer..

Consider total quality management and business process management from the perspective of critical theory. What would ideology critics see as their inherent strengths, limitations, and potential for individual and social transformation?

Critical theory is a social theory that mainly focuses towards critiquing and changing the society by applying the knowledge from the social sciences and the humanities. Total quality management is the effort by the organizations in an attempt to improve the total performance of the organization. On the other hand, business process management also works at improving the performance of an organization but it is accomplished by optimizing the …

735 words APA

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