Analyze the values at work in Morton Thiokol’s engineer-managers’ decision to advise NASA that it was safe to launch Challenger

Analyze the values at work in Morton Thiokol’s engineer-managers’ decision to advise NASA that it was safe to launch Challenger

Analyze the values at work in Morton Thiokol’s engineer-managers’
decision to advise NASA that it was safe to launch Challenger on the morning
of January 28, 1986, despite the safety concerns presented by several of their
SRM-team engineers.  In this section of the paper, be sure to address each of
the following questions:

  1. (a) Which values do you believe motivated Morton Thiokol’s engineer-
    managers (specifically, Joe Kilminster and Jerry Mason) to advise
    NASA to proceed with the launch of Challenger, and what evidence do
    we have to support this view?  [1 paragraph]
  2. (b) Are these the values that Morton Thiokol’s engineer-managers
    should have considered?  Why or why not?  [1 paragraph]
  3. (c) Which moral perspective, if any, seems to have guided
    Morton Thiokol’s engineer-managers’ decision-making in this case?
    What evidence do we have to support this view?  [1 paragraph]
  4. (d) If you had been an ethics advisor to Morton Thiokol during the days
    leading to the launch of Challenger, and you had been present for
    the Telecon between NASA and Morton Thiokol on the evening of
    January 27, 1986, would you have encouraged
    Morton Thiokol’s engineer-managers to recommend to NASA that they
    launch Challenger the following morning?  If so, why?  If not, why not?
    What specific advice about engineering values would you have offered
    the engineer-managers? [1 paragraph]
  5. (e) Which moral lessons—lessons about how to resolve conflicts of
    values that arise within moral dilemmas—can current and future
    engineers learn from Morton Thiokol’s engineer-managers’ decision-
  6. making in the Challenger case? Why are these lessons
    valuable?  Explain.  [1 paragraph]


3. Include a “Works Cited” page listing all sources cited in the text of your

Length:  6 paragraphs + Works Cited page; typed; double-spaced.

For this assignment you may use any information presented during our class
discussion, any documents posted on Blackboard, and any additional resources that
you find to be relevant and helpful in making your case.  Please be sure to cite the
sources that you use (in any citation style that you wish), whether you use direct
quotations from these sources or simply paraphrase from them.

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Analyze the values at work in Morton

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