Answer the three question in attached files with 5 full pages. Use at least 5 sources.

Introduction Law to Hospitality Management

Answer the three question in attached files with 5 full pages. Use at least 5 sources. (This Professor only care about length of the paper, not content.)

Similarity Score (as determined by Turnitin) needs below 25%. You must properly cite your sources within your writing assignments. My preferred method is that you cite each necessary sentence with a simple endnote number (1, 2, 3, etc.). The full endnotes should be automatically populated on the last page of your submitted work. Your list of cited material does not count toward the minimum page requirement.


Subject: Law


Hi, I’m group 5, so last three questions


here is a example –  attached


please also use the same format from example, thank you

Answer preview…………………………….

apa 1770 words

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