Art and Humanity

Art and Humanity

Choose a contemporary painting, sculpture, or piece of art that captures your interest. This should be a piece created between the end of World War II (about 1945) and today. You may choose one of the illustrations or color inserts in the textbook, or try a virtual museum (check the links in this week’s My Humanities Kit).

Before you begin writing your post, view the “Closer Look” art critiques from the unit My Humanities Kit resources. Consider what features are discussed in the piece you select. Aim for an evaluation that notes small details in a work, considers the purpose of various elements, and perhaps investigates the artist’s life.


In the post, begin by introducing the piece of contemporary art created between 1945 and present. What is the title? Who created it and when? What is the style? How would you describe it to someone who had not seen it? Finally, explain why viewing this work is a valuable experience. Connect the Unit 5 reading material in your response; include APA formatting.





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Andy Warhol’s painting is the chosen art in this topic concerning the Diamond Dust Shoes of 1980. The meaning of this art signifies positively to me when I remember how many shoes ladies fill to our lives such as a friend, mother, and daughter. I feel so gratitude when I look at this colorful piece. Andy Warhol left an enormous legacy after he passed away late in 1987. From the paintings, drawing, and prints to videographer, performance and publishing his arts made him popular (Janaro and Altshuler, 2012). For this reason, Andy Warhol created the art several years after his birth in 1928………………..



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