art history paper

art history paper

Write a

research paper (1400 words minimum


which inclu

des the following:


An introduction to your topic. It would be possible to write an entire book about any of these artists.

You will have to select some specific aspect of their work to discuss. Make sure to include a clear

thesis statement. For example, yo

u might find a common subject or theme the artist addresses. What

do you have to say about this artist and his/her work?

Do NOT write a biography of the artist.

Include biographical information relevant to the artist’s work, then expand upon your thesis

and the




As best as possible, discuss the context(s) of the art you are addressing. What does the art reveal

about culture, multiculturalism, the artist’s ethnic background or gender? Does the artwork address

any current issues relevant to the a

rtist or her/his community? Does the art address themes that are

personally relevant to you?

***I encourage you to use information from

personal interviews

from the community. Include the

name of the person that you interviewed and date in a Works Cited li

  1. For example, if your paper is

about an artist who addresses Korean immigration as a topic, you could interview a Korean


friend at work for useful information. You might want to show some of the artist’s work to the person

you are interviewing.


Pick representative examples of artworks by the artist to illustrate your thesis.


nclude images of the

works you discuss. Identify, if possible, each of these works by title and date.

Describe what you

see depicted in the art. However, do not



ibe the content

of the art. Think about it. Describe

how the artist uses color, images, material, composition, etc. to express themes in the art. Often an

artist’s work draws on imagery from other sources or traditions. What are some of the sources for t


work you are discussing? Why has the artist made these choices? Have fun and be creative!


Academic research papers must include notes/citations in the body of the text to show how sources

are used to support the statements made. For example, if you stat

e where an artist was born, how do

you know? What is your source of information? You do not need to cite sources for things that are

generally known or are your personal opinion. If you include a direct quote from a source, put it in

quotation marks or blo

ckquote format and cite your source. Quotes should not make up more than

20% of your paper.


Conclusion. What do you think about this artist’s work? How does it relate to the subject of the

class? What have you learned about art by studying this work?



a bibliography (Works Cited list). Use at least four different (in addition to Wikipedia if

you use) sources and use documentation (citations or notes) in the body of your paper to show

how these sources are used. Do not use information or analys

is from sources you do not cite

and present it as your own. This is plagiarism and will not be tolerated.

***Remember to proofread. You will be marked down for poor grammar, spelling or careless writing. It

might help to get someone else to read it suc

h as an assistant in the Writing and Reading Center in order to

get their feedback.



 essay  art history description 6 pages, Double Spacing

Answer Preview…………….

The depiction of history in art is one of the significant topics that artists attend to in their contemporary works. Mainly, historical figures in the political scope have been presented in by art using reflective paintings, which attempt to recreate their historical relevance. Titus Kaphar is an American artist who uses the same opportunity to present history but does so by attempting to………………

APA 1751 words

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