Assumptions and Best Practices
Assumptions and Best Practices
In this assignment, you will write another blog post in support of your chosen topic and the final magazine article. In this post, share two or three commonly held assumptions about the familial trend you have selected and explain how a sociologist can use data to clarify understandings. Sociologists are able to demystify long-held and sometimes harmful assumptions about the family by introducing data. Use the final project’s Evidence-Based Response (section V) and Value of Sociology (section IV) to guide your writing. Remember that this assignment is intended to get you started thinking about assumptions and best practices to better prepare you for the final summative assignment.
attached is blog one and my article i chose as well as guidelines for this assignment
In the context of divorce and separation, one of my personal biases and assumptions are that the process is most difficult for the couple but after exploring the dynamics of the impacts, I realize that the children face difficulty as well. My assumption was based on the idea that when a child is very little, he or she is unaware of the happenings in his or her environment. The tension in the process can culminate into psychological or emotional distress for the child (Milton, 2018). The adjustment process is not easy for the child. Another assumption I had was that the finalization of a divorce is the finalization of all other negotiations. However, I realized that circumstances might change in the future and the divorcees will be required to make other compromises. For example, as new issues emerge as the children grow and mature and sometimes the parents are forced to engage each other in critical discussions………
APA 894 words