At the beginning the Civil War the Southerners were confident of a quick victory over the North
At the beginning the Civil War the Southerners were confident of a quick victory over the North
Make sure you respond to at least two submissions by other students
At the beginning the Civil War the Southerners were confident of a quick victory over the North. Eventually, though the North prevailed and defeated the Southerners. Name some key reasons why the South lost and the North won. For clarity list the reasons as 1) 2) 3) etc… Make sure you respond to at least two submissions by other students. As always be courteous, respectful, civil, and stay relevant by staying on topic
post 1—
Some of the reasons to why the North won are: 1. that that the north outmanned and outclassed the south at almost every point 2. It had increased production 3.high finances 4. and political leadership. The south lost due to lack of 1. military commanders 2. lack in various factors such as military 3. slavery which deprived the south of labor and strengthened the north much more.
Post 2—
There are many factors as to why the North won the war over the south. One of the main reasons the North came out victorious was because the population of the North was more then twice as big as the South. The North had a population of 22 million and the South had a population of only 9 million. The second reason the North won the war was because the North had a much more established government and they were better of financially. The third reason was that the North had greater military leaders and strategy; they were determined to eliminate the confederate army, even if it meant loosing more men
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