Awareness Campaign Grant
Awareness Campaign Grant
Overview of Project
This project is a formal proposal written as if to a grant agency. You will need to write a sample grant proposal for an Awareness Campaign to raise consciousness on your chosen Definition/Description topic.
There are several aspects to the project
- Preplanning Memo 15 points (On Moodle)
- Researched/Formal Grant Proposal 120 points
- Quick Reference Guide 70 points
- Binder Presentation 30 points
Total Value 235 Points
During this project you will learn and practice
- How to research various types of documents, research strategies, technology, etc.
- The goals and uses of the memo, grant proposal and quick reference guide
- Researching in a professional context
- Language tone and style appropriate to a professional setting
- How to negotiate between different types of audiences (visual versus written)
- Designing and using graphics to explain key points
- Using effective page layout and design to discuss information
To prepare for this project you will need to research and plan your topic to make sure you can complete all of the required materials before the deadlines set.
Formal Grant Proposal
Garfield the Cat Funds, will give up to $15,000 for a
1 year project to raise awareness on a select topic.
A proposal is a persuasive document. The goal is to sell the project to the audience to gain approval/participation/funding for an activity or project. Its objectives are to
- Identify what work is to be done
- Explain why this work needs to be done
- Persuade the reader that the proposers (you) are qualified for the work,
- Outline a plausible management plan and technical approach,
- Have the resources needed to complete the task within the stated time and cost constraints.
Overall a strong proposal
- Convinces the audience that the project is both worthwhile and feasible, and that the proposed approach is the best possible.
- Reflects work (research/planning) that has already been done to support the depth and need for your project
- States the goals of the project and what the faculty member (as the client) can expect to see accomplished
- Specifies a time limit and budget for completion of the project
- Identifies milestones by which the faculty/client can monitor the progress of the project.
- Clarifies the relationship between the faculty/client and the project team; in particular, to state what data and services the faculty/client is requested to provide (if anything).
- Establishes and delineate a professional approach to the project to gain experience with proposal skills that will be needed in professional life.
- Includes technical details, related research, and supporting documentation that reflect consideration and preparation.
Your proposal (no more than 15 pages long excluding appendices) should describe your project plan in detail. You will need to include the following:
Executive Summary/Abstract
- Brief description of applicant organization (This can be mostly made up)
- Definition of problem to be solved with your campaign
- Statement of objectives to be achieved during the grant period
- Outline of activities that will lead to the objectives stated
- Statement of cost to the funding agency
Title Page
- Project Title
- Your name
- Your organization’s name (You can make this up)
- Date
Table of Contents
- Include Appendices
List of Figures
- If images are used, this is required.
Main Text
- Overview of Project/Introduction
- Give a brief overview of the project (This can be similar to, but not the same as, the Abstract)
- Describe any prior experiences and qualifications working with grants or with the subject matter.
- Why should someone fund your project?
- Describe your organization in terms of size, student demographics, special needs, goals, mission, philosophy, etc. (This can be made up)
- Problem Statement
- Describe the problem
- Provide an extended definition of the topic which includes at least 2 of the following methods of extension
- An elaboration
- Give examples
- Compare and contrast
- Break down into types
- Describe how it works
- Give an analogy/Use metaphors
- Explain what it is not
- Give historical development
- What is your solution to the problem? (Should include references to the “Quick Reference Guide”
- How will your services impact the population or take care of the problem?
- Who is the target audience of the awareness campaign?
- Why do these people need to know about the item/topic?
- How can knowing more about your topic help people?
- Use facts and statistics
- Use and cite a variety of sources
- Frame facts and quotes in Introduction to speaker, fact/“quote”, connection to your content format.
- Use visuals
- Goals and Objectives
- Clearly state the objectives. These objectives should be SMART – specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time sensitive.
- State any broader goals you have to improve awareness.
- How do your smaller, specific objectives fit in to the overall goals?
- Use visuals where appropriate
- Use facts and statistics where appropriate
- Use and cite a variety of sources where appropriate
- Frame facts and quotes in Introduction to speaker, fact/“quote”, connection to your content format.
- Methods and Design
- State how you will achieve your objectives (What method(s) will you use to raise awareness of your topic?)
- What resources will be needed to complete your project?
- Who will do what on the project?
- When will each objective be completed?
- How will each stage of your objectives be carried out?
- What resources will be needed to complete your project?
- How will you distribute your products?
- Support your methods and design with supportive research
- Use facts and statistics
- Use and cite a variety of sources
- Frame facts and quotes in Introduction to speaker, fact/“quote”, connection to your content format.
- Evaluation
- How will you know your project is accomplishing its stated objectives?
- How will you measure the success of your campaign? (Surveys?, Interviews?, Attendance? Public statistics? etc.)
- Who will measure to determine if your project is successful?
- When will you measure results? (Midway and the end? The end? Etc.)
Project Management
- Provide a review of who will manage the program and staffing that will support it
- Must include all staff working on program even if not supported by the funds you are applying for
- Specify the qualifications of each key member
Budget (No more than $15,000 projected, be reasonable with the numbers)
- Include specific estimates
- Consider:
- Salaries
- Supplies and materials
- Equipment
- Consultant/contractual fees
- Matching funds
- Other
- Include a brief paragraph to restate why you need funds and what it will do
- Cite at least 6 text sources (Don’t forget to use in text citation as well)
- Cite images (number does not count toward 6)
Grading of the report will involve three main factors.
- Includes all of the components listed above
- Provides sufficient depth of information to show that the project is well thought out and feasible
- Is no longer than 15 pages long
- Uses a professional tone and Standard English
- Uses color in font formatting and graphics
- Has professional, inviting appearance
- Follows font and size guidelines from the syllabus
- Allows easy access to information
- Uses subheads, font shifts, graphics, and bullets effectively
This proposal is worth 120 points
Quick Reference Guide
A quick reference guide is a type of document which presents large amounts of information in a condensed and easy to read format. This document could take many forms such as
- Posters of diagrams on a physician’s office wall
- Brochures of medical insurance plans available and their benefits
- Newsletters detailing a new technical development or product
- Short informational videos on Youtube or websites
As people look to be about to access information faster and faster, the quick reference guide has become an important piece of documentation.
Overall, a well‐written quick reference guide
- Contains condensed summaries and phrasings of large amounts of research
- Includes information that reflects the most important things your reader will need to know
- Uses visual elements and style to help convey information
The quick reference guide will condense the research you have done for the Definition/ Description aspect of the project (which appears in the Project Rationale section of your Proposal)
This guide should include an extended definition. This should include at minimum:
- An overview of the topic which includes a sentence definition
- You will need to also include at least 2 of the following techniques for elaboration
- Give examples
- Compare and contrast
- Break down into types
- Describe how it works
- Give an analogy/Use metaphors
- Explain what it is not
- Give historical development of the term
- Contact information for your (fake) company (Use your real name, the rest is up to you)
- Keep descriptions and explanations brief (but complete) and easy to read. Instead of long paragraphs, use short paragraphs, descriptive sentences, and bullet points.
How you design your document will depend on what your topic is and which genre you chose to present your findings.
Overall, several aspects will be graded
- Use of the four design principles: Contrast, Alignment, Repetition, Proximity
- Image choices that are relevant and attract reader attention
- Balance of white and dark space
- Use of color that attracts interest and reflects audience awareness (Color scheme)
You must demonstrate an understanding of the format conventions for a Quick Reference Guide. Be sure to:
- Demonstrate an awareness of color, visual layout, design and organization
- Incorporate visual aspects which will aid audience attention and understanding
- Address the content listed above
- Communicate at a level appropriate to your audience
- Reflect that the review process has been considered
- Be no more than 6 pages long
This guide is worth 70 points
Bound Physical Presentation
Part of any good presentation of documents is how they appear to the audience. The coherence and organization of any project should be reflected in a clean, easily readable, and attractive presentation of these documents.
Overall, good binder presentation will
- Contain all requested information, following the guidelines established in the class
- Use color where appropriate, particularly in the Report and Quick Reference Guide
- Contain a cover sheet and/or cover page and table of contents with outlines the entirety of the binder
- Uses clear, organized subdivisions that are clearly labeled
You will need to bind together the documents related to this project either in a three ring notebook or spiral bound. These binders should be labeled on both the front and the side.
Documents to include (in the order they should be in the binder)
- Title page
- Table of contents
- List of figures
- Grant Proposal
- Bibliography
- Appendices
- Quick Reference Guide
- Resume
This bound collection will need to
- Demonstrate an awareness of color, visual layout, design and organization
- Use appropriate and clearly labeled cover and subdivisions.
- Use color where appropriate
- Address the content listed above
- Reflect that the review process has been considered
This binder is worth 30 points
preview of the answer..
In a few short sentences outline:
1) What topic will your project raise awareness on?
My project will raise awareness on the need for children to eat more fruits instead of junk snacks. The project will target department stores and groceries. It will seek to give every child under the age of thirteen a fruit at half the price once they buy anything from the outlets that will participate. It is aimed at increasing the nutrition levels of the young segment of our population (“Obesity Prevention | Healthy Schools | CDC”, 2016). It is also aimed at starting a healthy-eating culture when the children are still young..
APA 405 words