Biblical world review

Biblical world review

 Bibical Worldview Essay

In a 750-1,000 word essay describe what Romans 1-8 teaches regarding (1) the natural world, (2) human identity (3) human relationships, and (4) culture. Furthermore, (5) explain how the teaching on these topics affects your worldview. Make sure that you address each of these topics in your essay.

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The book of Romans was written about 56-58 A.D. by Paul. It falls in the category of Pauls letters commonly referred to as Pauline Epistles. This letter was delivered by Phoebe to Paul. It makes both and Paul the main characters in the book. It was written to believers in the Lord Jesus Christ who were in Rome. This is the reason why it is referred as Romans. Basically, the books delves into deep fundamentals of Christianity as it seeks to provide answers about salvation, God’s righteousness, God’s sovereignty, judgement and spiritual growth. Commonly referred to as The Gospel and the Righteousness of God, the real value of the letter will be realised when it is read only in faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, His death and resurrection which forms the basis of Christian faith………………..

Word count :1061 Words


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