British petroleum
Business Case Study- each group will be required to select, prepare and present a business case study of their choice through a powerpoint presentation to the class. A business case study consist of any problem or problems that a global business experienced, regarding their product,process, personnel, or management aspects regarding that business entity. The problem(s) may have been resolved , or still in the process of seeking their resolution. The group will research, prepare and present to the class, the important elements of this problem situation. After presenting the background and all the different facets of this problem situation, the group will then lead the class in suggesting solutions to this problem. Finally. the group will share how the problem(s) was/were resolved by the business entity, or the possible solutions that their group members determined would resolve the problems.
preview of the answer..
Oil spill refers to the release of liquid petroleum products into water bodies or on land. Oils spillage is the act of disposing petroleum oil products into unacceptable place. Majority of oils spills are done in the oceans and sea or on the land. Oil spills can also be referred to as marine spills. This refers to Oil spillage done on water bodies. Nevertheless, oils spills can also be done on the land. In such a case, it is referred to as land Oil spill (Gunasekera, 2010)…
26 Slides APA