Business benefits derived from technology implementation

Business benefits derived from technology implementation

Write a minimum of 1200 words for numbers 1-3 with 3 scholarly sources………….for #4 write 250 words and 2 scholarly sources.

Case Study – Kimberly-Clark Corp.: Shopping for Virtual Products in Virtual Stores

1. What are the business benefits derived from the technology implementation described in the case? Also, discuss benefits other than those explicitly mentioned in the case.

2. Are virtual stores like this one just an incremental innovation of the way marketing tests new product designs? Or – Do they have the potential to radically reinvent the way these companies work? Explain your reasons.

3. What other industries could benefit from deployments of virtual reality like the one discussed in the case? Leaving aside the cost of the technology, what new products or services could you envision within those industries. Provide at least two examples.

4. refer to the Case Study JetBlue Airways, WestJet Airlines, and Others: The Difficult Path to Software Upgrades. In the case, both airlines upgraded to the same application but approached the upgrade process differently.

What were those differences, and how much impact did it have on the outcomes of the project?

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