Capital punishment

Capital punishment

A Critical Thinking Writing Assignment will be required for this course. Research both sides of a current, controversial issue related to criminal justice. Write a 3-5 page essay expressing your evaluation of the issue and support your opinion by answering the following questions:
What are the sources of information you used to evaluate the topic? What does your common sense, intuition, experience, and education tell you about this information? What sources can be believed? Where are the best sources of information? Can the information be verified? What information should be discarded? What assumptions have you made (outside of the research information evaluated)? Are those assumptions valid? Do you need to investigate more facts and data? Does the conclusion you came to make sense? Does the information researched and your assumptions support the conclusion? If so, why? If not, why not? Did you ask the right questions? Did you ask enough questions? Was there more than one possible conclusion? If so, did you pick the right one from the facts and data?
Format required: double spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman.



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Capital punishment is also known as death sentence. This is a government sanctioned process that involves putting an end of lives of those involved in a crime. This act is also referred to as execution and it involves capital crimes commonly referred to as capital offenses. Originally the term capital referred to the act of beheading or slaying the head of the capital offender. This practice has been abolished in some countries with over 102 against while it is still retained by 52 countries as a remedy for capital offenses. Its implementation attracts active controversy from various countries and states. According to European Union, the practice is prohibited among the 47 member states who subscribe to it. It has been referred to as ‘the ultimate irreversible denial of human rights’ according to amnesty international (Paternoster, R. 1991)…………….

Word count :1353Words


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