Choose a social problem affecting an oppressed population you are interested in learning about.

Choose a social problem affecting an oppressed population you are interested in learning about.


Choose a social problem affecting an oppressed population you are interested in learning about. Research the history of how that issue became a social problem and report your findings. Use this unit’s readings to ensure your understanding of defining a social problem. For this discussion, answer the following questions:

  • What factors led to the definition of this social problem?
  • Who were the key players?


Respond to at least one other learner, comparing the findings of your research to those of your colleague’s. How was the trajectory to becoming a social problem similar or different for each issue?


Explain why there is no such thing as a right or wrong social policy viewpoint. Provide examples from the issue you researched in the first discussion of this unit to illustrate your claims and support them with course references. Include how different groups define the same problem; accomplish this by showing how the problem would be viewed by at least three distinct groups.


Respond to one other learner, sharing a different viewpoint not covered in his or her analysis.#

  1. michelle response 2a… In my discussion post, I discussed the social problem of homelessness. One could argue that homelessness is caused by low wages, lack of affordable housing, and unemployment. Another person could argue that homelessness is caused by the complete opposite, stating that individuals don’t want to work, individuals are addicted to substance abuse and spending their money on that, or individuals involved in crime attributing to unemployment. This shows that there is no such thing as a right or wrong social policy viewpoint. Everyone is allowed to have their own personal opinions on a topic. “Social problem analysis should state the concrete measures and indicators of the social problem. Definitions that are specific, concrete, and measurable are useful in these respects,” (Chambers & Bonk, 2014). Individuals may look at a social problem in different ways. First, the individual will define the problem, which then the causes and consequences of the problem will be discussed. The ideology behind this social problem is then discussed, which finally it is discussed of who is affected by the issue and if others benefit from the problem (Chambers & Bonk, 2014). In this case of homelessness, my argument states that homelessness is caused by low wages and lack of affordable housing, while another individual could disagree with these statements. In the end, there really isn’t a right or wrong answer since everyone is able to have their own opinions and thoughts on a topic.

4 response alexis discussion 1a Immigration is the social issue that I want to address because it is an age-old topic that will continue to need attention called to it. People have been immigrating from other countries and regions for ages. Most of us in this class had ancestors that immigrated to the United States. Social workers also look to address this issue on both macro and micro levels. The journal Refelctions : Narratives of Professional Helping, suppl. Special Issues: Interconnections of Micro and Macro; brings out that addressing this topic is important today because, “With and increasingly diverse population and more complex problems including globalization, the redistribution of political power, increased privatization of services and increased exposure to the influence of social media, social work is more relevant than ever” (Folayan, Hitchcock, & Zgoda, 2018, p. 56). This article goes on to describe how various social issues need to be addressed by social workers at a macro level and yet so many graduates are going into micro practice. The solution is for social workers today to look at social issues with both a macro and micro lens.

The root cause of individuals wanting to migrate is poverty. Fear of poverty and of the loss of jobs for citizens is what causes individuals to want to tighten borders, yet economics show that tightening up the boarders merely increases the unskilled labor rates in the United States. This drives production down resulting in less exports of products to other countries and more importation of products that were not made within the country. The Journal of Agriculture and Economics discusses the two implications, “ First, the United States exports less of this commodity as the relative U.S. price rises. Second, producers face more competition at home because other countries export more to the United States. Our result show that the increase in domestic deportation and border apprehension rates reduces U.W. labor intensive agricultural production by 2.65%” (Devadoss, Zhao, & Luckstead, 2020, p. 178). Additional factors for migration include war, globalization, education, employment, and others. The players in this topic are clearly government regulators and the victims of poverty and other social injustices that individuals are fleeing from. We as social workers look to address this issue with individuals on a micro level, but also on a macro level with policy to have an even greater impact. TO get into the book go to Home | Capella University or and type in username is and username is 12Joshua!. go to the bottom left and find vitalbook shelf under course tools and you will find the book.

Requirements: 2 paragraphs per responses and posts

Subject: Psychology

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