CIS 336 WEEK 7 DQ 1 and DQ2

>  Build or Buy and Service-Level Agreements (SLAs)” Please respond to the
> following:..

>    – Suppose, as a Chief Information Officer (CIO), you were asked to

>    provide the organization with time-entry system for the employees.
> Examine
>    the options to insource or outsource the system to be developed.
> Determine
>    whether you would insource or outsource the system to be developed, and
>    predict the implications of your decision with the organization’s total
>    cost of ownership.

>    – Suppose an organization that has entered into an SLA with another

>    organization goes out of business. Determine whether the SLA still
> applies
>    or becomes invalid. Propose what the organization should do to maintain
> the
>    service delivery
> “Cloud Computing” Please respond to the following:
>    – From the e-Activity, provide your opinion on whether or not a
>    non-Apple device user should have the ability to use iCloud. Explain
>    whether or not this points to the limitations of cloud computing.
> Determine
>    whether businesses should consider iCloud in their cloud computing
> strategy
>    for their IT needs. Support your rationale.

>    – Rate the importance of establishing standards that govern the cloud

>    infrastructure, format for data storage, interoperability standards
> between
>    vendors, and security requirements. Support your rationale.
> Week 7 eActivity

>    – Cloud computing has become popular from a business point of view as

>    well as personal usage. The Apple Corporation has iCloud which enables
>    individuals using Apple products to store music, files, and photos in
>    iCloud. Watch the video titled “iCloud Overview” (8 min 23 s). Be
> prepared
>    to discuss.  Video Source: zollotech. (2011, October 18). iCloud
> Overview
>    [Video file]. Retrieved from
> This
>    video can be viewed from within your online course shell.
> 150 words each
> submit as separate docs
> 1 reference each and use subtitles for clarity

preview of the answer..

Providing an organization with time-entry system for the employees

Many organizations use a time-entry system to determine the actual time that a company employee reports to work.  Having such records is very helpful especially for organizations that pay their employees based on the number of hours worked. Given the opportunity to develop a time-entry system, I would opt to outsource the system. As stated by Gouge (2003), out sourcing is used to represent a situation where a company seeks assistance from an external provider to help develop a system. A major implication of out sourcing is that an organization is saved from incurring costs of training its own staff to develop the system.

Service-Level Agreements

A Service Legal Agreement refers to an agreement involving two or more parties. One of the parties involved is normally the customer while the other parties act as the service providers (Cullen, 2006). When an organization goes out of business, the SLA becomes invalid. An …

439 words APA

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