Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility

Project Description:
This week, I want you to watch A Civil Action – A Civil Action is a 1998 American drama film starring John Travolta (as plaintiff’s attorney Jan Schlichtmann) and Robert Duvall, based on a true story of a court case about environmental pollution that took place in Woburn, Massachusetts in the 1980s (Wikipedia, edited).

Identify and describe at least three ethical issues in the movie?

Why are they ethical issues?

Why did the companies pollute the land and the water like they did?

Were the companies involved ethical and socially responsible? Why or why not?

Was Jan always ethical in this case?

In the end, was justice done?

(You should be able to find this movie on Netflix, at a local video store, at your local library, or online through

preview of the answer..

Identify and describe at least three ethical issues in the movie?
In this film, there are various ethical issues that come up as a result of the pollution of Woburn town. The first ethical issue is gross negligence by W.R. Grace and Company and Beatrice Foods as they are to blame for the town’s pollution. Jan’s (John Travolta) pride which

APA 440 words

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