Create an annotated hierarchical organizational chart illustrating at least10individuals in six various roles in the IT departmental structure

Create an annotated hierarchical organizational chart illustrating at least10individuals in six various roles in the IT departmental structure



4053.1.1 : Operations Alignment

4053.2.1 : Resources and Business Processes Management

The graduate manages resources and business processes to support an operationally efficient and innovative IT environment.

4053.3.2 : Viability Assessment

The graduate determines the viability of current and new business processes and tools to support technology operations and innovation in the organization.


Throughout your career in IT management, you will be asked to develop and improve a company’s IT department to help support the company’s strategic goals and mission. When a new strategic plan is developed by a company, typically the process begins with the CEO and various stakeholders writing strategic goals, with the assistance of subject matter experts from the business. Next, strategic goals are finalized and assigned to team members and others who will formulate solutions to achieve the goals within a specific time frame and budget. Then, operational goals in alignment with the company’s strategic goals and an operations plan will be created. Finally, a workflow to move from the current environment to the future state will be developed.

For this assessment, you will create an IT operations plan from the provided strategic goals in the attached “TreasureChest Case Study.” (The case study should be read before beginning this task.)

The skills you showcase in your completed IT operations plan will be useful in your career in responding to the demands you will receive from leadership. This IT operations plan may also be added to your portfolio to show to future employers.

Read the case study attachment. You will select and record two strategic goals from the case study attachment. You will use the goals to develop IT operational goals and then create an IT operations plan. Record all responses in the attached “IT Operations Plan Template.”


You were recently hired as the new Chief Information Officer (CIO) at a SaaS treasury management company, TreasureChest. Your main responsibility is to implement innovative changes and become the direct report for the entire IT department. The CEO has been doing this prior to your hire. The first project the CEO has assigned to you is to produce a new IT operations plan for the company. You have been given the strategic goals for TreasureChest (see attached case study) and need to ensure your IT operational goals are in alignment with the company’s strategic vision and mission.


Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. An originality report is provided when you submit your task that can be used as a guide.

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

Note: Select and record two strategic goals from the case study attachment. All responses should be recorded in the attached “IT Operations Plan Template.”

  1. Evaluate TreasureChest’s current SaaS operation, hardware, operating systems (OS), networks, software, and database. Include examples from the attached “TreasureChest Case Study” that indicate the service and delivery, scalability, flexibility, interoperability, resilience, and security of the company’s current IT environment.
  2. Create threeIT operational goals that align with the first strategic goal you have chosen. At leastone of the IT operational goals you create must be a software solutions.
  3. Create threeIT operational goals that align with the second strategic goal you have chosen. At leastone of the IT operational goals you create must be a software solutions.
  4. Identify enhancements and associated activities that need to be executed in order to support eachof the sixIT operational goals you created.
  5. Explain how COBIT or ITIL frameworks will be implemented in your IT operations plan to ensure the flexibility and sustainability of TreasureChest’s IT infrastructure through year one, year three, and year five.
  6. Identify security risks associated with each enhancement proposed in your IT operations plan. Include steps for proactively addressing the identified risks to protect the IT security posture of the organization.
  7. Create a comprehensive operational workflow representing how TreasureChest will transition from the current IT environment to the environment proposed in your IT operations plan.
  8. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
  9. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.



4053.1.1 : IT Operations Alignment

The graduate formulates the alignment of IT operations with an organization’s strategic vision and objectives

4053.2.1 : Resources and Business Processes Management

The graduate manages resources and business processes to support an operationally efficient and innovative IT environment

4053.3.1 : Innovation Through Partnerships

The graduate creates partnerships with business and IT stakeholders, incorporating innovation into the organization

4053.3.2 : Viability Assessment

The graduate determines the viability of current and new business processes and tools to support technology operations and innovation in the organization.


Throughout your career in IT management, you will be asked to develop and improve a company’sIT department, including staffing and innovative solutions. Once a company has finalized its strategic goals and budget, an organizational and resource plan needs to be developed. Then, in assistance with Human Resources (HR), innovative staffing solutions and job descriptions need to be developed.


For this task, you will create an IT organizational and resource plan that includes an annotated hierarchical organizational chart for the company described in the attached “TreasureChest Case Study.” (Read the attached case study before beginning this task.) Once the chart is complete, you will write a job description for one of the positions and then propose innovative replacements for two other positions. Finally, you will write a recommendation to the steering committee summarizing your plan and its alignment to business processes.


The skills you showcase in your IT organizational and resource plan and recommendations will be useful in collaborating with the various stakeholders you will work with during your career. This “IT Organizational and Resource Plan” may also be added to your portfolio to show to future employers.


You were recently hired as the new chief information officer (CIO) at the SaaS treasury management company, TreasureChest. Your main responsibility is to implement innovative changes and become the direct report for the entire IT department. (The CEO has been doing this prior to your hire). You have been assigned to review the department staffing to ensure you have the right people and resources in the right positions. The CEO is looking for innovative ways to solve the staffing problem and wants you to collaborate with HR to fill these positions. You have been given the case study and strategic goals for TreasureChest and need to ensure your IT organizational and resource plan is in alignment with the company’s business demands.


Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. An originality report is provided when you submit your task that can be used as a guide.


You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.


Part I: IT Organizational and Resource Plan


  1. Create an annotated hierarchical organizational chart illustrating at least10individuals in six various roles in the IT departmental structure and processes to meet the needs outlined in the attached “TreasureChest Case Study,” including the type of resources (e.g., full-time employees (FTEs), outsourcing, contracting, inshore, offshore, etc.).


  1. Write a job description for oneof the roles from your hierarchical organizational chart. The job description should include the following information:
  • heading information (e.g., job title, pay grade, relationships)
  • summary of the role components and its overall benefit to the organization
  • objective summary of the job
  • job duties and responsibilities
  • qualifications


  1. Propose a resource option and an implemented technology (available internally or externally) to replace twoFTEs or role assignments. Provide examples of how the replacements are innovative and will move the company forward.


Part II: Recommendation


  1. Summarize how your IT organization and resource plan meets the business goals of TreasureChest and provide examples from the plan that support your claims.


  1. Identify IT governance practices that contribute to the viability of your IT organization and resource plan and provide examples from your plan that show application of the governance practice.


  1. Recommend innovative organizational resource technologies that will improve service at TreasureChest and provide research-based examples of successful application of these technologies.


  1. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.


  1. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.


Some reading materials.

Welcome to Managing Technology Operations and Innovation | Introduction | C927.4 Courseware | WGU-CGP-OEX



Two different tasks


Task 2


Subject: Masters Computer Science


Here is the template for TASK 1 –  it_operations_plan_template.docx


TreasureChest Case Study attached

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