critically analyze something wrongfully happening in our modern-day which can be compared to similar injustices happening in both Saga and V for Vendetta
critically analyze something wrongfully happening in our modern-day which can be compared to similar injustices happening in both Saga and V for Vendetta
The purpose of your Research Paper is to critically analyze something wrongfully happening in our modern-day which can be compared to similar injustices happening in both Saga and V for Vendetta (both texts MUST be used in your analysis comparisons). Write an original and compelling Research Paper using both Saga and V for Vendetta to critically analyze a current day injustice regarding: (class, economy, education, government, healthcare, media, military, nationality, politics, private sector, public sector, sexual orientation, race, religion, socioeconomic, science, or technology).
- Saga: Compendium 1 by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples (Links to an external site.)
- V for Vendetta by Alan Moore and David Lloyd (Links to an external site.)
- V for Vendetta –Movie– (Links to an external site.) may be substituted for the graphic novel
Sample Thesis: Saga‘s Alana and Evey from V for Vendetta demonstrate how social media’s own algorithms create a political bias for female candidates who have children.
- Style MLA. If your paper is not in 100% correct MLA, your paper will not be graded.
- Originality – If there is one phrase from your essay that is not cited, your essay will earn a zero for plagiarism.
- Creativity – Your paper will be awarded for creativity and originality, it will be deducted for vagueness, generalities, and book reporting.
- Length – Keep writing until you have exhausted everything you need to say to prove your thesis.
- Sources – You MUST have (at least) 6 Total Sources
- Two sources are Saga and V for Vendetta
- Four sources must be Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed (Links to an external site.) / Academic Resources (Links to an external site.)
Student Sample Works:
Click HERE (Links to an external site.) to read a well-made analytical student video essay from my Harry Potter Class about the entire 7-book series.
Requirements: 3 pages
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