cross-cultural management

cross-cultural management

Topic: cross-cultural management

Details: My final research paper will be based on a topic of I chose related to an aspect of cross-cultural management examined in the course. First, I have to choose a company that is involved in global cross-cultural management. This assignment requires that I explore a key aspect of cross-cultural management, and prepare a substantive outline detailing the program that I intend to design, develop, implement, and maintain for the benefit of the organization identified. Examples could be: cultural training for expatriate employees; diversity training for employees; global leadership, etc.
Research Paper Topics:
Global executive leadership
Cross-cultural management
Global team development
Operating in a global environment
Leadership conflict resolution in a global context
International culture
Inter-cultural communication practices
International ethics and corporate strategies
Global HR strategies for a 21st century workplace

Preview of the Answer.

Aperian Global has over twenty-five years’ experience in cross-cultural management. The consulting firm provides organizations with blended and scalable solutions that enable their employees to work efficiently across borders. Through this, Aperian Global has helped corporations to intensify the development of future global leaders’ thereby increasing productivity while reducing disruptions. The specific aspect of cross-cultural management to be focused on is diversity training for employees. Notably, diversity enhances the ability to bring together people from different cultural backgrounds,


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