Expository Essay

Expository Essay

This Assignment builds on your learning in your Learning Activity and your Discussion this week concerning your product and pricing.

Assignment: Two of the four P’s — Product and Price

Part 1. Expository Essay: In this Assignment you will respond using an expository essay format. An expository essay involves investigating the topic, analyzing your findings, and supplying a solution or a suggestion to address the problem or task, and supporting your position.

Part 2. Sales Projections: In this section you will use a template   (http://extmedia.kaplan.edu/business/Media/AB209/AB209_1402C/bam4/presentation.html) to compute how much you think you will sell the first 3 months; 6 months, and 1 year? Show how you did the math in your answer.

View the rubric below for full Assignment details and grading rubric.

When you have completed both the essay and the template, submit both to the Unit 6: Assignment Dropbox.



Answer preview

Each individual anyplace has the desire of looking great and respectable, particularly when amidst individuals. Garments have been a typical need in the present society and this need has gotten significant help in the material business by the presentation of new patterns and outlines. I expect to open up a male boutique that will bargain all sort of men wear and frill. The present society has laid a considerable amount of accentuation on the ladies garments and somehow, the male dressing has been left to approximately couple of players in the garments business. In my new business I mean to give the best sort of male wear and assistants to all the diverse social classes. I will utilize my business to attempt and close the crevice in the middle of male and female wear, by offering and enhancing the present male wear pattern in the general public………………….



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