The Decline of the Roman Empire

The Decline of the Roman Empire

  1. Submit your short essay for Module #6 here. The question for this essay is: “Based on the textbook, what do you think were the main reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire? Were the factors that led to the fall of the Roman Empire present from the beginning (during the reign of Julius Caesar) or only due to events near the Empire’s end?”This essay must be at least 500 words in length and have at least one quote from the textbook to recieve full credit.SS111 Short Essays by John McLean are licensed under CC-BY 4.0
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  3. 550 words, single spaced
  4. reference the book and cite it, include 2 direct quotes in quotation marks and cite next to them


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The Decline of the Roman Empire

The Roman Empire was arguably the strongest empire in the world history. Its fall, also, showed one of the greatest falls in history owing to the command and influence the empire and its emperors had before. The exact reason why Rome fell or declined cannot be pinpointed, but a mixture of reasons can be attributed to the fall and decline…………….

APA 602 words

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