Describe what you learned from completing the Support Network Exercise Worksheet

Describe what you learned from completing the Support Network Exercise Worksheet. Describe any activities that you can streamline. Describe a person who might be able to help with some of your activities.

Balancing Priorities: Journal Completion

Discussion: Balancing Priorities

Often there are more than words or online imagery in your workspace—it might be children or pets or roommates or spouses. It might at times seem like you have information overload—as if you were standing in the middle of Times Square, New York, or Piccadilly Circus, London. Even the most focused and dedicated student can be easily distracted.

Often when focusing on one task, you lose track of others. That is why it is important to have a plan for stepping out of your other roles and into your new role as student. Don’t be tugged by online distractions—keep your place. Staying focused is a professional competency.

You all have multiple roles in life, and maybe “student” is a new role for you. Being engaged in the work requires you to plan, prioritize and create a space where learning takes place; to combat a feeling of selfishness that you might feel.

For this Discussion you will consider how to address distractions you might encounter as a student at Walden.

To prepare for the Discussion:

  • Read the Week 2 Learning Resources.
  • Review the Discussion Rubric.


Post a response at least 200–300 words to the following prompts. Use the writing resources, writing examples, and the Discussion Rubric to develop your post.


  • How can you distinguish between important tasks and urgent ones?
  • How do you sort through information and select the most important elements to focus on?
  • Do you need to go to your own Walden Pond? What would that look like?
  • How might you respond to a digital detox?

Subject: Social Science

Write a journal entry about your experience completing these two worksheets.

For your journal entry, organize your thoughts around the following questions. Write one paragraph for each bullet.

  • Describe what you learned from completing the Support Network Exercise Worksheet. Describe any activities that you can streamline. Describe a person who might be able to help with some of your activities.
  • Describe what you learned from the Time Tracking Worksheet about how you spend your time. How can you change the way you manage your time? Do you feel you have set aside enough time for your new educational responsibilities?
  • Is there one thing either in your support network or time management that you believe will interfere with your success as a student? If so, how might you address it?

Copy your Time Management Worksheet into the bottom of your journal entry. You can do this by selecting all the text in the Word document and using the copy and paste commands, or by attaching the completed worksheet to the journal.

This is just the checklist for the week 2. Just the same thing, and the resources, if its helps –  see week 2 PDF checklist of what is needed

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Describe what you learned from completing the Support Network Exercise Worksheetapa 525 words

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