Devices in Once More to the Lake

Devices in Once More to the Lake



  • Read
  • review the four elements of nonfiction and study these elements until you understand them well enough to locate quotations from White’s essay that represent these four elements
    1. Voice,
    2. Style,
    3. Structure, and
    4. Ideas

    This is for reviewing the elements ( Read the definitions of the four non-fiction elements listed here:

      • Voice: When we read a literary essay, we usually hear the narrator’s voice; we hear a person speaking to us, and we begin to notice if he or she sounds friendly or hostile, stuffy or casual, self-assured or tentative. The voice may be intimate or remote. It may be sincere or ironic. The possibilities are as endless as the number of essayists. A writer’s persona is the personality he/she assumes through his/her voice to serve the purpose of the essay. 
      • Style: Writers have unique styles; the same way stylish people we know have a personal style. Writers make specific choices in words (diction), syntax, sentence length, metaphors, repetition and many other ways to manipulate language and create a unique sound in their writing. 
      • Structure: Literary essayists are not inclined to follow any formulaic structure, as is taught to a first-year college student (i.e., first a topic sentence and then three examples). Instead, they invent or combine structures that fit their own way of seeing the world. Walker’s structure includes sprinkles of personal experience within this persuasive essay to call for changes in the attitude of her reader.
      • Ideas: Literary essays often express ideas more directly than fictional stories. They attempt to persuade the reader to look at the world through a new perspective. Readers of essays are in one sense miners, unearthing hidden meanings. In another sense, they are like co-producers in creating meaning. 
    1. Find quotations from Walker’s essay that represent each of the four elements above. Write 4-6 sentences for each element, explaining why you chose each quotation.
      • Voice: How does your chosen quotation represent Walker’s persona in this essay?
      • Style: How does your chosen quotation represent aspects of Walker’s unique style?
      • Structure: How does your chosen quotation represent Walker’s persuasive structure?
      • Ideas: How does your chosen quotation uncover the meanings of the essay? )
  • Develop your own opinions on these elements and how they help you interpret the meanings (the themes) of the essay.
  • write essay on these elements following the grading rubric and MLA style. Do not rely on outside sources. (even if you paraphrase them into your own words) without proper in-text citation and Works Cited entries, that would be plagiarism (except for common knowledge), and it would result in failing. ONLY USE White’s essay, you will be able to use quotations from White’s essay and cite them in-text and in a Work Cited entry.
  • Review the Rubric that will be attached.



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