Discuss the strategies for crisis response and disaster resilience as outlined in the above FEMA documents.
Discuss the strategies for crisis response and disaster resilience as outlined in the above FEMA documents.
M8D1: Strategies for Disaster Resilience
As homeland security and emergency management communities look toward the future, planning will focus on strategies for crisis response and disaster resilience. Faced with increasing complexity, these professionals must create road maps for the development of realistic capabilities, models, tools, and partnerships.
Review the following FEMA documents and respond to the questions that follow:
- The Federal Emergency Management Agency. (2018). 2018-2022 Strategic plan (Links to an external site.).
- The Federal Emergency Management Agency. (2012, January). Crisis response and disaster resilience 2030: Forging strategic action in an age of uncertainty (Links to an external site.).
Respond to the following:
- Discuss the strategies for crisis response and disaster resilience as outlined in the above FEMA documents. What are your thoughts on the three strategic goals and do you agree with the list of essential capabilities?
- What changes would you recommend to either document to keep strategies and planning current?
- How might these documents be best used by the emergency management, homeland security professional?
8D2: Key Deliverables
Key deliverables are documents and other items, such as analysis results, that must be provided at certain times during the information security risk assessment process.
Respond to the following:
- What may happen if some key deliverables are not provided, or are provided late?
- Why is there an inherent order in which the key deliverables must be provided?
Requirements: at least 100 words each
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