

prepare for this Discussion, you will read about theories and categories of abuse, as well as the process of how a report of child maltreatment is made, from intake to assessment. In addition to reading the text, you will research your state’s requirements for making a child abuse report.

For this discussion, you will need to complete the reading assignment and review the BBC Investigation, America’s Child Death Shame.

theifilestv. (2012, Sep 12). America’s Child Death Shame. [Video File]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wqwtzaESqw&feature=youtu.be

● Provide a summary of what you learned from the investigation.

● Explain which part of the investigation made the biggest impact on you.

● Describe some of the challenges Human Services Professionals may face when working on child abuse cases. What are your suggestions for dealing with those challenges?

preview of the answer..

From this documentary, I have learnt that the United States experiences the highest number of child abuse cases in the industrialized world. From the documentary, we see that a child dies after every five hours in the United States from either neglect or abuse. Each week, the documentary reveals that 66 children under the age of 15 years die from either neglect or ..

APA 484 words

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