“Breaking Bad News – Difficult Workplace Conversations Training,” by Skill Boosters (7 min.):

Respond to the following prompt

Watch the following YouTube videos:

  • Breaking Bad News – Difficult Workplace Conversations Training,” by Skill Boosters (7 min.):


  • “4 Step Difficult Conversations Process,” by Pivotal Leadership (11 min.):


List the guidelines for delivering bad-news messages.

Requirements for receiving credit for the post:

  • Prepare a 200-300-word response.
  • Provide examples from your own experience.
  • Avoid plagiarism. If quoting from the textbook, please use quotation marks and include references in parentheses: (Cardone, 2018, p. #)


Answer Preview……………

The assigned videos delve into various communication techniques that allow people to effectively address certain issues not only in the workplace but also in one’s personal life. One of the guideline that I identified is the need by an individual to be real when breaking such news to members of the workforce. Being real means that one should not spin around and try to make the bad news more appealing or positive. Doing this is aimed at creating a platform through which honest information can be shared instead of lying to some of the members of the workforce.The assigned videos delve into various communication techniques that allow people to effectively address certain issues not only in the workplace but also in one’s personal life. One of the guideline that I identified is the need by an individual to be real when breaking such news to members of the workforce. Being real means that one should not spin around and try to make the bad news more appealing or positive. Doing this is aimed at creating a platform through which honest information can be shared instead of lying to some of the members of the workforce……………………………….

APA 331 words

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