Discussion Post

Discussion Post

I need at least two paragraph written on the following topic:

Review this TED video http://www.ted.com/talks/shyam_sankar_the_rise_of_human_computer_cooperation

about the rise of human-computer cooperation. What aspect of cooperation discussed in the video was of most surprise to you?

Describe some of the opportunities and benefits this capability provides to society, and also any potential risks you see in the use of this technology. Provide examples of the concept that you may interact with today.

I will also need a peer response to each of the posts written by my classmates:

1) Something that surprised me in this video is how big of a part computers play in things like terrorist activity, this is not something I would have previously thought could be researched in that way.

I really like this video and it makes sense if you think about it. Humans are the ones programming the computers so the computer only knows what a human tells them. What they are able to do that humans can’t is stay consistent and do them on a much larger scale (amongst other things). I think that the future of human-computer cooperation is bright. With humans continually utilizing technology we can improve so many things. One thing I saw recently is a machine that can perform surgery and do the most tedious of tasks with the consistency that a human may never be able to reach.

I know there is the common scare of computers getting too smart and taking over, but behind every smart computer is a smarter human giving it direction. Computers do not have the intuition that people do, so I never see this becoming an issue.


2) Hello Class,

After watching the video a few times (because, to be honest, a lot of the terminology was beyond me), I think that the most interesting and surprising aspect of human-computer cooperation was the concept of Intelligence Augmentation (IA). Shyam Sankar describes IA by quoting one of J. C. R. Licklider’s (1915-1990) visions: “Enable man and machine to cooperate in making decisions in controlling complex situations without the inflexible dependence on predetermined programs” (2012). You understand why I watched the video a few times… what does this quote mean exactly? Well, Sankar goes on to state “not to take a toaster and make Data from Star Trek, but take a human and make her more capable” (2012). Like Artificial Intelligences (AI)? Not quite. While Data from Star Trek is a machine integrated with human likeness, or AI, IA is more like taking the human brain and enhancing it in some technological way. Such ways as neuroengineering and brain-computer interfaces (Michael Anissimov, 2016). Wow! Just, wow!

I think the biggest opportunity this could afford society is the potential of making everyone smarter. This may seem like a pretty basic statement, but, this is what I see if IA ever comes to life. As the brain is the mainframe for thinking, computing, and acting, a higher level of intelligence seems like an ideal concept. I also see a benefit with brain-computer interfaces. To me this means being able to link or access a computer with just your mind, with an action switch or command imbedded in your brain. This benefit could work both ways; while you use your brain to access the computer, the computer also transmits information directly to your brain eliminating the need for a monitor or hardcopy of the information.

Some risks involved with IA include malfunction of the technological enhancements. For instance, in brain-computer interface, the device used to link the two could short circuit or break. Having such a device linked to the brain could also fry the brain if any such problems arise. Another risk could be incompatibility to the technology. For instance, some people cannot get a tattoo or a piercing because their body automatically rejects the ink or jewelry and eventually pushes the “foreign body” out of the skin. A final risk to this IA technology would be possible virus attacks to the technology, thus to the person utilizing the technology as well.

Unfortunately, I do not know of any examples of this concept that I may be using today. Aside from using the internet to go to school online to further my education, I’ve got nothing. Maybe some of my classmates may have a better idea here than I. Additionally, I am not entirely sure if the benefits of IA outweigh the risks here, or vice versa. I suppose only time will tell how far this technology can and will go. I only hope I am still around to see it.

Thank you,



Sankar, S. (June 2012) The rise of human-computer cooperation. TED.com. Found at: http://www.ted.com/talks/shyam_sankar_the_rise_of_human_computer_cooperation#t-113419

Anissimov, M. (10 Dec. 2016) What is intelligence augmentation (IA)? wisegeek.com. Found at: http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-intelligence-augmentation-ia.htm

Answer preview………

This video is one of best I have seen on TedTalk in a while because of the ability of Shyam Sankar to make uninteresting terminologies not only interesting but relatable. I must confess that the video was so educative and entertaining that I had to watch it several times. Meanwhile, the most surprising aspect of the presentation was how human intelligence was superior those of the computer, and how a symbiotic relationship between the two can make the world a better place for all. As a lover of video games, I was very impressed that something we do out of fun and sometimes boredom was capable of providing solutions to most of the health problems that we face today…

APA 526 words

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