Discussion questions and journals

Discussion questions and journals

I need you to do the following discussions. all are 300 words

Week 1 dq 2
Week 1 Dq 3
Week 1 journal
Week 2 Dq 1
Week 2 Dq 2
Week 2 journal
Week 3 Dq 1
Week 3 Dq 2
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Week 1, Discussion Question 2

Advertising is a form of communication that uses non-personalised approach and message which may take audio or visual form and is usually sponsored to sell or promote a product in the market. It is a promotional tool used and sponsored by businesses to market and popularise their products. (Heath, 2012). Advertising helps in branding that enables clients to associate with the product as they are able to easily identify with the image…………..

Word count :2760 Words


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