Discussion topics

Discussion topics

Here are the questions.
 Who were the Copperheads?
 Who were the “Transcendentalists” and what was the basis of their beliefs?
 What caused the Mexican-American War of 1846?

you have to complete a small scale research effort of the question and complete a 1.5 -2 page paper. A works cited page will be included (please utilize at least 2-3 different appropriate sources). 1 source for each title.
And at the end please do the research in APA format,. 
Works cited page is needed at the end.



Answer preview

Who were the copperheads?

            The ‘copperheads’ was a name given to anti-war democrats by the republicans during the American Civil War around the 1860s. This was happening in the Northern United States and the democrats who were against the war wanted immediate peace settlement instead of the ongoing civil war. The republicans were so serious about that and that’s why they likened the democrats to the venomous snake species, (Sandow and Robert). Despite this harsh name the democrats accepted it. From the name ‘copperheads’, the movement called ‘Copperheadism’ was developed around the north of Ohio River……………….

Word count :648 Words


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