Do a Substantive Overview of All of the Modules

Do a Substantive Overview of All of the Modules

Module 1
 Using the concepts discussed in this chapter, describe your local probation department. 300 words or more that provides a thorough and substantive overview of all of the modules.. What is its structure? What management functions are performed and by
whom? What people and organizations outside the agency exert an influence on it?
How does that influence show in organizational structure or process?
 Explain the difference between centralized and decentralized organization. Discuss
the advantages and disadvantages of each type of agency.
Module 3
 Discuss the differences between the human relations school and the behavioral
school of management. Debate which school criminal justice organizations typically
lean on and why?
 Examine the concept of a “new criminal justice”. Discuss why a concept that
necessitates the involvement of the entire community may be difficult to implement.
Using Project Safe Neighborhoods as an example. What might communities like and
dislike about such programs?
Module 4
 Discuss the limitations of leadership in criminal justice organizations. Do the best
individuals become criminal justice administrators or managers? If not, why not? In
addition, are many of the problems associated with or attributed to criminal justice
leadership really leadership problems? Discuss prison overcrowding, for example.
Can we expect a prison warden to effectively manage an overcrowded prison?
 This chapter discusses the importance of structure to the delivery of criminal justice
services. Can police organizations or prisons, for example, be less formal and more
decentralized in their structures? Why or why not? What goals of police organizations
are sacrificed, if any, through decentralization? What about decentralization and
employee accountability?

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