Does each body paragraph have a topic sentence? If you took your thesis and all your topic sentences, would that correspond to what you want to say in your paper?


Please answer the following questions in the textbox below as you revise your essay:

• Does your title give readers a good idea of what’s to come? (“Assignment #3” is not a title)

• Is your thesis statement clearly stated?

  • Does the introduction lead in smoothly and establish the importance of and context for the topic? Is there too much? Too little? By the end of the introduction, is it clear to the audience what kind of material will follow? If so, are these expectations fulfilled?BODY PARAGRAPHS
    • Is it clear where your introduction ends and body begins and where the body ends and the conclusion begins? In other words, are your paragraph indents meaningful?
  • Are there transitions between all sections and paragraphs to create flow and unity?
  • Does each body paragraph have a topic sentence? If you took your thesis and all your topic sentences, would that correspond to what you want to say in your paper? If not, do you need to revise your thesis or re-examine your supporting points?
  • Do the topic sentences (1) make a connection back to the thesis, (2) establish a link with the previous paragraph’s content, and (3) give enough information that the audience could guess where a particular paragraph’s development would lead?
  • Does the order of paragraphs make sense?
  • Are your paragraphs too short or too long? Can you combine or separate any content?
  • Are your examples reliable, representative, and convincing? Are there enough of them or too many?
  • Are your sources convincing? Is there enough balance between your own insights and expert opinions?
  • Are all sources and direct quotations explained or have you left them standing on their own?
  • Has anything that goes off topic or is not essential been cut?CONCLUSION
    • Does the conclusion say something different from your introduction?
  • Does the conclusion leave a good lasting impression?
  • Does the conclusion end the paper on a strong and interesting note?


Subject: English



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