DQ week 3

> DQ 1
> Semen is a common finding in sexual assault investigations. However, in
> order to use it as evidence it must be located and identified as semen.
> From reading the text you will see that there are various tests regarding
> semen. We first need to locate a possible specimen through presumptive
> means and then confirm it. We always presume first.
> 1. Of the methods described, which process of confirming semen is best, in
> your opinion? Why is that?
> 2. What false positives may appear when chemically testing for the presence
> of semen?
> 3. What other issues may prevent the finding of semen?

> *DQ 2This discussion as two parts. Be sure to address each for full
> credit.**Part
> 1*

> *: In 1892, Francis Galton wrote his book titled Finger Prints. In this
> study, Galton reported that after examining and comparing 40,000
> fingerprints he found no matches.  This is the basis for our belief that we
> will not find two people with the same print. How reliable is this
> conclusion? If a match is found, what would this mean to forensic science

> and society?**Part 2*
> *: Galton theorized that the following classes of people had unique

> fingerprints according to their class and race, but found consistency. a.
> Jews, negroes, English, and Welsh were considered races and had unique
> fingerprints according to their race. b. According to Galton (1892) “…the
> measurements of the ridge-interval gave the same results in the
> art-students and in the science-students, and I have prints of eminent
> thinkers and of the eminent statesmen that can be matched by those of
> congenital idiots. No indications of temperament, character, or ability are
> to be found in finger marks, so far as I have been able to discover” (p.
> 197). Why do you think Galton wanted to test these groups? What benefit
> have we realized from the results of this part of his thesis? Galton, F.

(1892). Finger Prints. New York City, New York: MacMillan**Note**: You can
> read more about Galton by visiting **http://www.galton.org/*
> <http://www.galton.org/>
> * I purchased a copy of Galton’s book Finger Prints which has only one
> edition. It cost me $850!!!!*
> *150 words each*
> *2 references each *
> *APA*
> *use subtitles where necessary *





preview of the answer..

Semen is mostly a common finding when sexual assault investigations are being conducted. There are various methods, which are used concerning semen, and they include the location of semen using the fluorescence techniques and macroscopic examination. Other methods include semen detection with microscopic examination, semen detection with acid phosphatase test, and the FISH technique. According to me, semen detection with the microscopic examination is the best method since it confirms sexual intercourse. This method is also acceptable to both the judicial authorities as well as he medical teams (Savino, Turvey & Freeman, 2011) 

502 words APA

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