ECE 315 Language Development in Young Children D1

Chapter 1 explains the attributes of language and the process of language acquisition in young children.  Since this is such a crucial component to support language acquisition, it is important that we understand this fully.  As teachers, we also serve as information resources for parents.  Choose one of the following topics and write a short 250- to 350-word article for a parent newsletter:

  • Language Attributes
  • Process of Language Acquisition
  • Language and Communication

Your article should focus on helping parents understand the process of language acquisition in an informative, yet parent-friendly manner.  Be sure to support your ideas with a reference to the textbook and at least one outside source cited in APA format.  Construct your initial post for this discussion as if parents were your audience.

preview of the answer..

When kids start using language they tend to come up with several extraordinary things. In some instances, they might come up with baffling, hilarious or even cute things, something that leads to parents to worry if they should care about their kid’s language development. However, studies conducted reveal that parents or guardians should not worry about their kid’s language development (Hammerberg, 2009).

            One of the many questions that parents tend to ask is whether language development is similar to all kids. Studies reveal that children acquire languages in a similar manner irrespective of the number of languages or the type of language they are using. Research further reveals that learning a language is similar to learning how to play a game among kids. For example, just like …

337 words APA

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