Economic Freedom

Economic Freedom


Readings are post in file, here is the writing instruction:

Reading Response Journal:

Reading Responses will help direct our discussion in class, as well as ensure that you are developing your own understandings of the texts we read. Your reading journal entries will be due at the beginning of class on the day they are listed on the course schedule. Each entry is worth 5 points and must include the clearly distinguishable components:

1)(1 point) Question @ Issue:At least one “question at issue” inspired by the reading. Choose a question that the reading raises – either a question explicitly posed by the author, or a question that the reading raises for you. The question is valid if it cannot be answered in a yes or no, but rather gives rise to a debate-able topic or position.

2)(1 point)Enthymeme:a opinionated statement of yoursor the author’s (in other words, what do you think about the issue or what does the author think about it?). This sentence must be in the form of an enthymeme: ([Shared Term] [Claim] because [Shared Term] [Reason])

3)(2 points) Quote:supply one quotation from the work that relates to this question. Here, you earn one point for the quotation and one point for properly setting up the quote and analyzing it.When citing a text, be sure you understand its meaning and context.You need to: 1) Introduce the quote in your own words2) Present the quote in quotations with citation3) Explain the quoteFor example, a paragraph that argues that violent computer games should not be considered play could read:(introducing the quote with relevance to argument !) In the essay entitled “The Military-Nintendo Complex,”John Naisbitt agrees that violent computer games make killing a habitual experience because (presenting the quote and citing!) “Computer simulation trains and conditions our young more like soldiers killing and less like children playing catch” (85). (explaining the quote!) Naisbitt critiques violent video games as less a kind of “play” and more a boot-camp training that encourages anti-social or aggressive behavior in youth.

4)(1 point) Citation:The MLA citation for the work at hand and appropriate citations throughout.


Answer Preview…………….

Every society is comprised of different social groups of people, one of them being an economically challenged social group, whose survival is often dependent on the benevolence of the government and contributions by the more affluent members of the society. Do civil organizations within the society improve the welfare of the less endowed members or are they there to give more power to the few wealthy individuals? Cesar Chavez raises this question among people who read his article “Sharing the Wealth” based on the primary message passed within the article. Essentially, the working class within every society always takes active participation in determining who heads such public organizations, which makes it the responsibilities of leaders therein to ensure that they meet the expectations of such a population. In essence, organizations such as labor unions have the responsibility to look into the needs of the workers. According to Chavez (6), labor organizations are some of the few organizations observed to attempt to reach out to the low-income members of the society. These efforts include lobbying for better working conditions and salaries, which in totality seek to………………..

APA 292 words

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