Effects of Suicide Prevention Education on Nurses

Effects of Suicide Prevention Education on Nurses

You have the basic layout of the paper right now, but you are not explaining the findings of each study and the purpose of each study. Look back at the student sample literature review. Notice how the studies are explained under the Review of Literature section. Your paper should be modeled on that. Because you have so many sources under each theme, that is going to make your paper a lot longer. The page limit is 10 pages, so you may not want to discuss so many studies under each theme. Once you have explained the findings from studies, then use some of the comparisons (synthesis) you have in your paper right now. Carefully review all of my comments directly on your paper as you revise.

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Death caused as a result of suicide have been on the rise with reported cases in the media from both developed and developing nations citing correlation between psychological health and suicide cases (Ghanbari, 2016). Nurses are an important element in the medical fraternity and their contribution towards patient care extends to patients with mental issues that may cause suicide. Suicidal cases result from an extended period of contemplation of ending life as opposed to accidental death. An individual actually wishes death upon himself and finds ways to inflict self-harm using lethal objects or painless death such as overdose of drugs be they prescribed or………..

APA 2428 words

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