Effects of temperature and atmospheric pressure on gas
Effects of temperature and atmospheric pressure on gas
You blow up an air impermeable balloon at sea level, and then hike to the peaks in the Sierra Nevadas, Denali, Mt Everest, the Alps or Mt Kilamanjaro, and you notices the balloon’ s diameter has expanded. You also know that the temperature has dropped and the air pressure decreased as you ascended the heights. Develop a hypothesis and an experiment to determine whether pressure or temperature or both are responsible for the increase in balloon size.
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An inflated impermeable balloon has air molecules colluding with the balloon’s wall and when subjected to high temperatures the balloon is likely to expand because the continuous and increased commotion of the particles within that balloon. The particles also expand and that’s why an inflated balloon’s diameter will be seen expanding, (Sun, Lim, Lee and Khoo, (2015)……………..
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