ENGL1201 Research Paper Sarah Polley’s film

ENGL1201 Research Paper Sarah Polley’s film adaption Away from Her represents healthcare issues through the ma

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ENGL1201 Research Paper Sarah Polley’s film adaption Away from Her represents healthcare issues through the marriage of Fiona and Grant. Critically reflect upon the represented issues in the film and/or Munro’s story and write a research paper (four to five pages) based on ONE of the following topics:< !–[if !supportLists]–>1. < !–[endif]–>Is Grant’s decision of taking Fiona to an assisted living facility suitable for her conditions? How does the decision reveal about their marriage or love relationship? < !–[if !supportLists]–>2. < !–[endif]–>Compare and/or contrast the scenes that depict Fiona’s progression of Alzheimer’s disease in Away from Her with those in “The Bear Came over the Mountain.” What element of Munro’s story is missing or dramatized in the film adaptation? Why?

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The decision to take Fiona to the assisted living facility was suitable and ended up unraveling much about their marriage. Sarah Polley’s ‘Away from Her’ is a film adapted from the short story titled ‘The Bear Came Over the Mountain’ written by Alice Munro (Munro, 2012). The film addresses the theme of love from the perspective of a partner of a patient suffering dementia. The complicated relationship is revealed in Grant’s memories, in the past he had been unfaithful. The movie depicts how Grant (Gordon Pinsent) and Fiona (Julie Christie) are parallel to each other, it then moves to showing how they are taking opposing courses as a couple, and the last scene depicts them how they are side-by-side again (Jamieson, 2014). The movie starts by showing Fiona..

APA 1560 words

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