Exam #2: The Dreaded Final Exam
For this take-home exam, I want you to do the following:
Choose one of any of the questions and write a minimum 750-word essay using textual evidence from works:
1. Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson are a one-two punch in American literature and were also good friends. Some emphasize their connection to nature, while others look at their politics and the idea of civil disobedience, either through protest or their writings. Why do you think both authors are taught together?
2. Ironically, Ralph Waldo Emerson sucked as a student but placed great emphasis on reading, saying, “There is creative reading as well as creative writing,” while Author Robert Darnton (The Great Cat Massacre) says that reading is “the way man has made sense of the world.” Using “The American Scholar” or any of his essays, explore how reading plays a major role in his self-education and/or the development of literature at this time.
3. Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman are polar opposites in many ways; she even refused to read his work. Yet, both are often taught in tandem. Thus, why do you think they are taught together? Describe their differing writing styles and ideas and how these play into the literature of the current era.
4. One could call Walt Whitman a “democratic” poet, for his poetry is unique for his time, as he writes in free verse, addresses the individual and the community, and describes the various social classes. One could also describe his poetry as “cinematic” in his approach. Describe how his work acts as a buffer for the eras of literature up to his time and his impact beyond his era. In layman’s terms, why was Whitman’s poetry a “game-changer?”
5. Emily Dickenson was well educated but chose to return to the homestead, refusing to travel. Why do you think she wanted to retreat to a life living inside her head? (Note: Like Emerson, Dickenson was a huge reader as well.)
6. Choose two or more authors and analyze their respective uses of the “I” as a catalyst, or even a “character,” through which they explore or communicate ideas.
I left most of these questions open-ended so you could fill in the gaps however you see fit. All is as is that, considering this is a take-home exam, that you will have more time to explore the ideas and gather tangible evidence to support your answers. And tangible evidence means use quotes and ideas from the text, not simply biographical info to gloss over answers.
I want these typed, double-spaced, and in 12-point font. And proper MLA format! Beyond that, have fun with this exam. Many of you in your previous exam (and in your essays) have developed ideas I had not previously considered, which is part of the joy of teaching lit. And feel free to continue employing contemporary works and examples for context, but remember to stay anchored in the primary author(s) of your chosen questions. And you may also include other authors from the Nortons as well. This ranks as one of the best classes I’ve taught, period, and I hope you go out guns blazing in your answers!
preview of the answer..
Emily Dickinson was well educated but chose to return to the homestead, refusing to travel. Why do you think she wanted to retreat to a life living inside her head?
Emily Dickinson is identified as one of the great poets but whose life remained a mystery to many. Throughout her life, her writings circulated amongst friends and family whereby some of them had significant influence to spearhead the publication of some poems. The time has
APA 778 words