Ethics in Healthcare Management

Ethics in Healthcare Management


Discuss the importance of ethics in healthcare management. Many healthcare managers look at cutting corners to be able to compete effectively. What are the dangers of unethical behavior? What are the advantages of maintaining an ethical organization?

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According to Benn (2005), ethics is a system of moral values that regulates how people make decisions. In healthcare management it is essential that ethical standards are put in place to enable a flow of the decision making process based on a set way of practice. Medical research is a sensitive and fundamental aspect in the practice of medicine that requires a lot of resources and one that is faced with a lot of dilemmas. Setting of ethical standards therefore not only fosters the winning of public support towards research but also in solving research dilemmas. BBC (2014) states that although it is considered a norm for people to do what is morally right, it is not always the case for most times people act irrationally rather than rationally…

APA 279 words

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