Examine the relationship between assessment and diagnosis as they relate to therapeutic treatment.

Examine the relationship between assessment and diagnosis as they relate to therapeutic treatment.

Objective: Examine the relationship between assessment and diagnosis as they relate to therapeutic treatment.

When assessing a client, clinicians look at all major areas of the client’s life. It is similar to detective work in that we need to gather all the clues, but we also need to decipher between what information is relevant and what is not relevant to the current issue being assessed. This is the process of differential diagnosis. While looking at the major areas of a client’s life, a clinician can also evaluate the client’s strengths and weaknesses and consider the overall functioning of the client. Without this groundwork, it is hard to obtain an accurate diagnosis, which then makes it difficult to determine how to proceed in the therapeutic environment and determine what interventions may be appropriate.

  • In your initial discussion post, address the following:
    • Describe some purposes of the assessment report.
    • Compare and contrast structured, semi-structured, and unstructured interview techniques.
    • Describe the four components of a mental-status exam. Why is it important to make note of what you are observing during your interview?

Requirements: 4 paragraphs

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