Explain how similar or different your clients are from you. In your explanation

Explain how similar or different your clients are from you. In your explanation

Submit a 2- to 4-page reflection paper in which you do the following:

  • Describe the client population with you are currently working. Identify clients:
    • Backgrounds
    • Reasons for seeking services
    • Personalities
    • Histories
    • Behaviors
  • Explain whether or not the population you are serving is heterogenous. Consider:
    • Race
    • Ethnicity
    • Social Class
    • Religion
    • Gender
    • Sexual Orientation
  • Explain how similar or different your clients are from you. In your explanation, answer the following questions:
    • What do you have in common with them?
    • What aspects of their lives and lived experiences are different from yours?
  • Explain the importance of recognizing these similarities and differences.
  • Explain how this knowledge impacts your work with clients.

Support assignment with application of this week’s resources using APA citations and a reference page.

Requirements: n/a

Subject: Social Science



The population can be of addiction (alcohol & Drugs), substance abuse, aging, dementia. developmental disabilities. Whatever you write is fine with me & thank you very much.

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