Explain whether you think it is possible for your understanding of groups and group dynamics to ever negatively impact your interactions with others.

Explain whether you think it is possible for your understanding of groups and group dynamics to ever negatively impact your interactions with others.

PART A (150 words )

Throughout the session we have examined many applications of course material to your personal and professional lives. This week, however, you will be asked to consider the downsides of knowing about group dynamics and processes. In your initial post address the following:

  • Explain whether you think it is possible for your understanding of groups and group dynamics to ever negatively impact your interactions with others.
            • Provide specific examples of how knowing about group dynamics could negatively affect relationships and interactions.
  • Detail how you will ensure that you use the knowledge gained from this class in a way that is productive, rather than in a way that might have detrimental effects.

PART B (150 words )

In lecture you learned about some strategies for giving effective and impactful presentations.Many courses at Bryant & Stratton College require you to give presentations, either in a face-to-face classroom or virtually though videos and PowerPoint presentations with voiceover. In your reflection this week, address the following in your own words:

  • Explain how the strategies you learned in lecture this week will help you to give more effective presentations as part of your coursework.
  • Looking back at presentations you have given in the past (perhaps even as part of this class), analyze what you might have done differently with these presentations to make them more effective.
  • Detail the advice you would offer to a new Bryant & Stratton College student who is hoping to give a high-quality and meaningful presentation in one of their courses.

Requirements: as stated

Subject: Sociolog

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