explore, review, and compare at least two academic monographs focusing on two Asian Pacific American experiences

Identity and Exclusion in the History of Asian Pacific Americans:  A Comparative Book Review

Below is the two books that I choose for the essay, I will provide the e-book version of these 2 books using the free Kindle PC app, will send you account once I accept you bid, thanks 🙂

1) Delgado, Grace. Making the Chinese Mexican: Global Migration, Localism, and Exclusion in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands. Stanford University Press; 1 edition, 2013

2) Daniels, Roger. The Japanese American Cases: The Rule of Law in Time of War. University Press of Kansas, 2014.

Please follow the provided instructions carefully, thanks.

Comparative Book Review Essay [10-page paper/minimum 2700 words]: 200 points (20% of total grade)

You will write a comparative book review essay comparing two books focusing on two Asian Pacific American experiences from the “Suggested Readings List” found on Canvas. I am also opened to reading selections from the Asian American collection in SJSU Library (5th floor), but you will need to inform and explain to me why you have chosen works outside of the list. The objective of this assignment is for you to explore, review, and compare at least two academic monographs focusing on two Asian Pacific American experiences

⦁ Points/Grade: This assignment is worth 200 points of your total points/grade (20%)

⦁ Length: Your book review should be at least 10 pages/2700 words in standard 12- point Times New Roman, font, double spaced.

⦁ Choosing two books: You want to make sure the two books you have selected from the “Suggested Reading List” focus on two different Asian Pacific American groups

⦁ Submit citations of your reading selections from the “Suggested Reading List:” Once you have chosen your reading selections from the suggested reading list, you will enter the citation online through the book review citation link.

⦁ Sample Citation Entry:

⦁ Baldoz, Rick. The Third Asiatic Invasion: Migration and the Empire of Filipino America 1898-1946. New York: NYU Press, 2011.

⦁ Lee, Erika. At America’s Gates: Chinese Immigration during the Exclusion Act 1882-1943. Chapel Hill: UNC Press, 2003.

⦁ Book Review, Not Book Report: Note that this assignment is a book review and not a book report. While your review will require you to provide a summary of what each book is about, your paper should go beyond a chapter by chapter summary and provide an assessment and review of the strengths and weaknesses of each book relating to author’s objective, thesis, writing style, organization, and evidences used to support his/her thesis.

⦁ Not Just a Book Review, but a Comparative Review: After providing a short summary of what each book is about, your essay will need to provide a comparative analysis of the similarities and differences between the two books. This is why it is important that as you read, pay close attention to the objective(s) and structure of each book, evidences used to validate author’s thesis, how effective the author’s writing was in conveying his/her ideas, who the intended audiences are, and how do both works contribute to your understanding of Asian Pacific American experiences beyond what I cover in class.

⦁ Do write the redundant and obvious statements: I am looking for a sophisticated comparative analysis that shows strong comprehension of historical content and reflect an in-depth level of critical thinking. Your analysis needs to go beyond the obvious and avoid redundant phrases such as “Both groups are Asians” —“Both groups faced discrimination” —-“One is Chinese and the other is Japanese” —-“Chinese are east Asians and Indians are south Asians.”

⦁ End notes and Bibliography: Please use endnotes and include a bibliography using Chicago-style for all your citations and references. End notes and bibliography do not count toward your word count for the assignment.

⦁ Proofread: You should proofread your book review before submission to avoid simple typos and grammatical errors. We also have a writing center that can help you with your writing so please visit ⦁ SJSU writing center for more info.



10 pages, Double Spacing San Jose State University


Type of writing: Book Report




My kindle account : [email protected] password : qwert12345

please start working on it as soon as you can since you have to read the books, thanks.


Gmail account if kindle needs OneTimePassword request email code

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account : [email protected]

password : QWERT_12345

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