Final Research Project ( Edit Method paper, Use the Lit Review and Finish Final paper(Only around 7 pages for rest))

Final Research Project ( Edit Method paper, Use the Lit Review and Finish Final paper(Only around 7 pages for rest))

Thank you for your great lit review. I got all points for that. I hope you can help me for editing my method paper and finish my final paper. The final paper include the lit review and method paper other part in the rubric. Could you make sure to stay very focused to present information that is concise and related to the grading rubric? The papers all have my professors feedback. If you have any questions please let me know!

And I will also share with you Method paper rubric. You can take a look for editing it and put in the final paper.

I will share the data I have already I Collected from past one and half months.

notes from the client related to the data file:

CES-D (Depression Scale)SCORING: zero for answers in the first column, 1 for answers in the second column, 2 for answers in the third column, 3 for answers in the fourth column. The scoring of positive items is reversed. Possible range of scores is zero to 60, with the higher scores indicating the presence of more symptomatology.

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APA 5122 words

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