Financial Behavioral and Why do men trade 50\% more frequently than women, knowing that higher costs lead to lower returns?.

Financial Behavioral and Overconfidence

Research Essay

Topic: Financial Behaviour and Overconfidence

For this assignment, you will write a discursive essay using the title and the plan submitted for Assignment 2.

Word count: 1000 words (+/-10%). Abstract, footnotes, appendices, and reference list are not included in the word count.

You should use at least THREE academic sources (peer-reviewed journal articles or scholarly books).

the sources has to be in APA style and format.

This is what the essay should be about, financial behaviour and the text below is what i wrote for ass 2

A study made in 2001 named, “Boys will be Boys: Gender, Overconfidence and Common Stock Investment”, analyzed over 35 000 households in an attempt to find over-trading as well as overconfidence patterns. By analyzing the investment behaviour of these households, they found evidence that, all else being equal, men traded traded 50 \% more frequently stocks than women. \\ Finance 101 suggests that excessive trading results in high costs, as well as low returns. Given the fact that costs fundamentally reduce returns, one question remains to be answered. \\ \\ Why do men trade 50\% more frequently than women, knowing that higher costs lead to lower returns?.

8 hours ago


Hult International Business School


Make sure to read the text as i wrote to you



In assignemnt 2 we submitted the plan as follows:

You must submit the Essay (Title + Plan) under Assignments/Assignment 2/Essay (Title+Plan). Word document only – all submissions must be in doc, docx format.

For this assignment you will need to submit the plan of your essay (300 words). The plan should include:

  • Title
  • Essay outline
  • Introduction

The essay outline can be written in bullet-point form. You MUST write your introduction in prose (one paragraph).

You should choose a title based on a topic you are interested in. Make sure the topic is not too broad (you will find it difficult to discuss it in detail) or too narrow (you will not be able to find enough relevant, reputable and/or recent sources).

Alternatively, a list of essay titles will be provided for you to choose from.


Above is what I did in assignment 2.


So now write the essay based on the attached outline/plan

Answer preview…………………….

apa 1335 words

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