Fitness and Recovery from Drug Addiction
Fitness and Recovery from Drug Addiction
A review essay is a step up from your Rhetorical Analysis (see attachment for the annotated bibliography) and will involve putting two sources together into a Review Essay. The website has some excellent tips on strategy, organization, and other aspects. Use it.
First, you will choose two sources from your annotated bibliography that speak to some aspect of your topic. They can be two sources that deal with a similar issue and complement each other, they can be two sources that take a slightly different approach to answering a question, they can be two sources that vehemently disagree with each other: it doesn’t really matter as long there are two sources that are somehow clearly linked.
Your task will be, in a clear well-written essay, to discuss, analyze and evaluate the two sources. How you do this will depend on which angle you choose to take: a compare and contrast, presenting a debate, choosing a side, etc. You may choose to compare and contrast, go point-by-point, or any other organisational strategy that helps to effectively make your point.
Your papers should include:
– a title, followed by the proper citation for each article (see * below)
– an intro paragraph that provides contextualization for both sources and an explanation that elaborates how you are linking them
– 1-2 paragraph summaries of each article
– significant analysis (more that 3 paragraphs)
– a conclusion
I will be looking for your intro and contextualization, clear summaries, and how well you link and analyse the texts. Papers should be 6- pages.
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